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به همت عالی به سايت ياری برسانيد. |
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زندگانی رضا شاه بزرگ |
It is up to the people of Iran, to form powerful resistance preventing dictatorship | ||||
We pledge alliance, with those who voice against religious regimes, terror, and welcome secularism, separation of religion and the state, we seek freedom and peace! | ||||
We believe that as long as there are people living in Iran, it is our responsibility to resist the injustice. بر اين باور هستيم تا زمانی که در ايران زندگی هست، مسئوليت ما است تا در مقابل نا برابری ها مقاومت کنيم |
| N | O | , | T | O | , | R | E | L | I | G | I | O | N | |